Exploring the Impact of Generative AI Applications on Businesses

Generative AI has proven to be a revolutionary development in the field of Technology. The impact of using artificial intelligence has been boosted with Generative AI and its ability to continuously learn and grow. Generative AI with its way of continuously learning through the endless data feed and making its actions more efficient can benefit businesses in multiple ways. 

Wolken Gen AI by Wolken Software has proven to lower cost and time consumption along with enhancing the business through better product design, effective customer service, engaging content, and much more. Let us understand more about what is generative AI, Generative AI applications, and trends in Generative AI.

Introduction to Generative AI

You must have heard the term Gen AI all around lately but are you aware of what it really is? So, Generative AI or Gen AI is a subset of a broader concept called Artificial Intelligence; a technology that helps simulate human-like intelligence and analytical skills. But Gen AI is a little more advanced as it is not limited to a set of information that it is provided with to generate results. GenAI reads through continuous data feed from different sources such as reading website access history and trends, interactions with customers, etc. The data collected helps the technology learn and come up with better responses and actions every time. 

The modern-day advancement in Gen AI has only been possible through the introduction of GAN or Generative Adversarial Networks. GAN is a machine learning algorithm that works in two parts – the first part takes data samples and modifies them to generate new data; whereas the second part helps predict how closely related the generated and original datasets are. The introduction of the transformer, a deep learning model, helped with making Gen AI easily read a huge amount of information and generate outputs by analyzing the data. Scope for Generative AI applications is everywhere from art, content, marketing, design, and overall business. 

Generative AI applications

Generative AI with its ever-growing information and continually improvising responses can be an ideal solution to several fields. Let us look at some applications of Generative AI.

  1. Content Creation:

    Content has been a very important part of digital marketing for any and every business. With a huge amount of content required by the marketing team, the need for trained professionals increases too. But not with Generative AI in use. Generative AI can use huge amounts of data feed to create relevant and engaging content for any business without having to hire a large employee base dedicated to content creation. As Gen AI keeps learning and growing through the data it reads, the content can be made more customized and effective based on the business and the historical records of its contents. 
  2. Generative texts and responses:

    Chatbots, and virtual assistance applications in websites often use generative AI to generate texts based on inquiries made. This is particularly used for Customer Service Desk and other customer care requirements. With more and more interactions made, the data feed keeps on increasing thus helping Wolken Gen AI to generate more tailored and appropriate texts for the occasion. Text generation can also be used for writing assistance, and content creation for any business.
  3. Image Generation:

    This has been widely used throughout social media where Gen AI is used to generate images. This Generative AI application is relevant for art, entertainment, and even design. Generative AI can create clear and accurate images from the very scratch which can be utilized in several ways such as for marketing purposes and websites, etc. It also helps create engaging and high-quality social media content with AI-generated images relevant to the business and target audience.
  4. Audio Synthesis:

    This is used for voice assistance at the customer service desk, narrating audiobooks, and accessibility tools for the visually impaired. This generative AI application helps generate human-like speech in multiple languages as well. Audio synthesis can not just process and generate sounds but also modify any audio signals provided. This is done through learning the patterns and features of any audio using deep neural networks and generating different realistic audio outputs. This can also be used for music production, dubbing, entertainment, and sound design.
  5. Recommending through data analysis:

    This tool can be the best service desk implementation as this helps create tailored and personalized recommendations for customers. How does it do that? Generative AI reads through the customer’s navigation in the website and also any part interactions. Then the data is used to analyze the preferences and generate recommendations. These generative AI business applications can help in achieving exceptional outcomes in customer satisfaction and retention. 

Impact of Generative AI on Businesses

Now you know how versatile and effective Generative AI can be at different tasks from generating texts, audio, and other content. But how does it impact business?

  1. Labor productivity

Wolken Gen AI helps in automating tasks and thus any tedious and repetitive tasks can be done by it. This helps keep agents free to take up new and critical tasks. The Gen AI tools can take up large amounts of inquiries and interactions at the same time without exhausting agents. 

  1. Omnichannel Support

Generative AI applications can be used across channels and thus the business can utilize the advantages of omnichannel support without having to dedicate personnel to different channels. Omnichannel support refers to the presence of service across different channels that results in a wider reach. 

  1. 24/7 availability

Generative AI business applications are mostly beneficial for their availability around the clock. Generative AI can help customers get the needed solution for any repetitive or known inquiries or create tickets for agents to check on their availability. It helps customers get attended to at their convenience and also be prompted on the next steps of the solution.

  1. Personalization of service

Generative AI learns through data fed from websites or interactions with customers. It helps generate more tailored responses for inquiries based on past interaction records or website browsing patterns. The trends of Generative AI include recommendation systems that help customers find better-suited products for them and gain more knowledge on it. 

Challenges and Opportunities

As they say, everything has two sides to it and so does this amazing technological development – Generative AI. Let us know about some challenges as well as opportunities for Gen AI.

Challenges of Generative AI:

  1. Data security: 

As Generative AI greatly relies on huge amounts of data stored and read, this can pose a challenge to the data security of a business. With unsupervised use of Gen AI, businesses can face critical data breaches and security concerns. 

  1. Ethical Concerns: Generative AI and its exceptional ability to create realistic data has been widely used for deepfakes, fake news, etc. Deepfake refers to creating realistic and altered data that closely resembles a person to utilize in unethical ways. Generative AI can also create images of human identities that do not even exist. It can also generate identical voices that are often used to make unethical fishing and scam calls. 

  1. Unfairness or prejudices: As Generative AI only refers to its data feed, it may be unable to judge with fairness due to biases in the stored data. 

  1. Quality of data: Generative AI completely depends on data collected from different sources and does not have the complete ability to judge the accuracy. Thus it might generate inaccurate data or inconsistent ones. 

Opportunities of Generative AI:

  1. Process improvement:

Generative AI can help with more efficient workflow and minimal human intervention in areas thus reducing unnecessary workforce and human error. Generative AI can create a more robust and effective flow of work thus creating better and more accurate outcomes. 

  1. Productivity enhancement:

Wolken Gen AI can reduce the stress of tedious and monotonous tasks for agents and workers by automating them. Thus the agents are freed up for more critical delivery and attend to priority tasks. This helps enhance the productivity of the workers as well as the Gen AI tools. 

  1. Better Content and Revenue Generation:

Gen AI helps create more engaging, advanced, and effective content based on the business requirements and target audience. It also helps with customer retention through customized services and responses. 


Generative AI can hugely impact any business in all departments and segments. Starting from generating creative and engaging content to attending to customers, Generative AI can be utilized to accomplish many different tasks across the business. 

When Gen AI is considered a friend and used ethically, it can do wonders. Wolken software helps create that for your business where you enjoy all the right Generative AI business applications to reach unforeseen heights.


What Is Generative AI?

Generative AI is a type of AI that helps read large amounts of data fed to it and generate outputs that best suit the need. It keeps learning through new data received in the process and keeps improvising the outcome accordingly.

Why is Generative AI Important for Business?

Generative AI helps take away unnecessary burdens from the workforce wherever automation is possible. Wolken Gen AI helps free up human workers for high-priority deliveries.

How Does Gen AI Impact Businesses?

Gen AI helps businesses reach more audiences and customers through different platforms and channels. It helps businesses cater to larger tickets and inquiries at a time. It also helps businesses increase productivity and lower costs. 

How Generative AI is Revolutionizing Customer Service?

Wolken Gen AI has revolutionized customer service by personalizing responses for customers tailored to their needs and concerns. By recommending them solutions and purchase opportunities based on their trend with the business and past concerns. These actions have helped improve customer satisfaction and retention.