How AI Enhances Traditional Knowledge Bases

In a corporate scenario, while performing daily tasks, you are required to execute them with utmost sincerity and efficacy. In such cases, the room for mistakes is very small. You might get caught up in what exactly to do and how to do it. In such cases, a centralized information system comes in handy that contains all information on the steps to follow while executing the assignments. This is exactly the work of a knowledge base. Typically, a knowledge base is a digital library of information on the tax laws, the policies of the company, and the protocols that must be followed while working. With unrestricted access to these repositories employees, especially rookies save a lot of time while performing their work. 

A traditional Knowledge base has to be updated manually. Therefore, it requires an additional workforce for the company. However, with the advent of AI, enterprise knowledge base software by Wolken is developed with the ability to self-learn. 

Key Features of AI-Enhanced Knowledge Bases

AI Knowledge bases act as an additional firepower to your technical support workforce. It is well-equipped to answer the most common queries of employees and customers. Thus, you can invest your workforce in more critical tasks requiring human intervention. However, the traditional knowledge base has its limitations. Even though it can answer simple questions, it is not helpful when answering more complex queries. This is exactly where AI gets involved. The following are the key features of an AI knowledge base:

  • Better resolution of queries via Articles and FAQs: The AI can knit up information from multiple sources. So when the user asks a specific question it can give more detailed answers to it. Once, the model is trained it becomes simpler to maintain its functionality at the backend. Then it can be incorporated into Wolken’s knowledge base for a self-service portal.
  • Better Database structure: AI maintains an efficient structured database from which it can quickly retrieve information according to the specific query.
  • Better troubleshooting: The AI tools follow a series of logical steps to assist the user in a specific issue that is reported to it. It does so with the help of some pre-added instructions that are provided to it in the form of decision trees.
  • Self-Learning capability: AI can improve its problem-solving ability and efficiency based on the feedback from the user. After providing the required assistance, it prompts the user to give feedback on its performance. Based on these feedbacks it can fine-tune the entire structure of the knowledge base to improve its functionality.
  • Faster processing: AI uses several filters based on pre-categorized data. This is done with the help of tags and metadata. It ensures the user receives no non-specific results to his queries. Suppose the user has searched for information related to the service of one particular department. The AI ensures that he does not receive any information about some other department.
  • Provide real-time data: AI automatically updates the database in real time. For example, this is extremely helpful every time the user tries to retrieve the status of his order. Wolken’s Gen AI can provide accurate information about its whereabouts in real-time.
  • Ensuring intelligent human-like conversation: The AI is well equipped to understand human language and provide a human-like answer. This is done with the help of an algorithm called natural language processing.

Benefits of AI-Enhanced knowledgebases

The importance of AI knowledge base is undeniable in building a business and establishing good customer relationships. Additionally, Wolken’s Knowledge Base saves employees valuable time during their work. All of these are due to the numerous benefits it offers:

  • Increases the efficiency of employees:

    • Assists employees in their day-to-day responsibilities: An AI knowledge base ensures all essential information is available at the fingertips of the employee. For example, all the latest updates and product information are made easily available helps the employees to better convey their products and services to the customers. 
    • Lowers the training time: With the AI knowledge base you only need to teach your employees how to use it. And half of their training is done! This lowers the number of trainings that are needed to be fixed. Moreover, employees all across the globe can access this at any time. They don’t need to disrupt their colleague’s work time to clear out their doubts. 
  • Assisting business building:

    • Lower cost: With an intelligent automated AI assistant at hand, the company needs to invest less in manpower. This reduces the overall costs of the business.
    • Improving sales: The AI knowledge bases ensure quick retrieval of information by employees. This lowers confusion and time invested in searching for specific answers. The employees work with increased efficiency and better team collaboration. Also, since most information is easily available, you don’t have to waste much time in meetings. Thus productivity of the work culture increases. Additionally, AI also ensures customer satisfaction and thus improves the popularity of the company and its demand and brand value.
  • Improving customer relationships:

    • 24-hour Availability:The AI support is available all the time on all days of the week and even during the holidays. Thus, the customers are guaranteed an effective query resolution any time they want.
    • Inclusive customer service:An AI can be trained to interact in different human languages. This helps it to respond in a culturally appropriate manner, ensuring a customer-friendly interaction, especially when backed by a robust knowledge base for customer service.
    • Improved accuracy:Driven by complex programs, the AI model is excellently adept in displaying its results. There is no room for human error. The responses are delivered in a respectable manner and tone. Thus customers are left satisfied after interaction.
    • Enhanced security:AI comes with an advanced security system focused on protecting the customer's personal data and privacy. Its advanced algorithm is extremely adept at detecting suspicious behavior and flagging them in the system. This increases the customer reliability of the company.

Challenges and Considerations

While the AI knowledge base seems to have a promising future in database management, it has its shortcomings, at least at this stage:

  • Privacy concerns: Even though AI ensures good security, still there is an “elephant” in the room that needs to be addressed. The question is who has the right to access the data? And for what purpose? The companies must have strict rules and regulations compliant with the existing laws of the country.  Protecting its customer data should be among its topmost priorities. It must ensure that such data are not being used for any malpractices.
  • Biases: AI can well take over human responsibilities. However, it is prone to biases. This can occur if it is fed with improper and biased datasets. Additionally, anyone can tamper with its model by providing it with incorrect data. This can have serious consequences on its working. Thus, it requires monitoring. Considering the enormous amount of data that is fed into it, supervision of its working can be quite a hefty task.
  • Issues in training a model: Training an AI is not a piece of cake. In addition to technical difficulties, you need robust datasets, manpower, and time. Apart from that all of these require a huge budget that might not be feasible. It should be trained to detect inconsistencies in the database as a part of quality control. Not only that, it must be able to detect the nuances in between the dataset. A serious challenge in training is to ensure that the model is not hallucinating. This requires rigorous programming and training at the backend.

While you might be reconsidering your decision to implement AI into your knowledge base. It is really not that tricky. Especially because now you have several third-party vendors that can develop an AI for you. Wolken offers such services to make your knowledge base easy to interpret and use and ensure a customer-friendly interface. They keep a team of experts in the backend to constantly monitor the performance of the AI. Make sure that it is not hallucinating. You need not worry about privacy and security as everything will be covered.


Wrapping up in a nutshell, knowledge bases contain detailed information about the company's various departments, its products and services, and other related information. Combining the power of AI is an essential game-changer in the arena of database management systems. While it automates several things and makes life easy, it cannot be left alone, primarily, because the field of AI is still in its early stages. 


  1. What is an AI knowledge base?

To put simply, an AI knowledge base is a repository of information that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to organize, manage, and retrieve knowledge by responding to user queries, enhancing information access and sharing.

  1. What are the benefits of an AI-powered knowledge base?

The benefits of an AI-powered knowledge base include improved access to information, faster resolution of queries, enhanced customer service through chatbots, etc.

  1. What are the future trends of AI in Knowledge Management?

AI in Knowledge Management includes increased personalization, automation of knowledge processes, etc. Wolken’s AI-powered knowledge base will continue to streamline knowledge management by offering more efficient ways to create, share, and utilize information.