What is SLA Management and Why is it Important for Your Business?

Supply chain management is becoming increasingly complex at scale. SLA Management is an integral part of supply chain management. A service level agreement (SLA) is a conformity or contract between a service provider and its consumer. It can be between two businesses or between a business and its customer. SLA clearly defines all the services provided, remedies, and responsiveness for various issues if any service does not meet the standard criteria.

What are Service Level Agreements?

If you are in the B2B industry, you probably already know the importance of Service Level Agreements. Contracts between you and your service provider hold both parties accountable. These contracts can be easily automated and measure the most critical areas of customer service. Companies that meet or exceed their SLAs can expect profits to rise, customers to stay longer, and churn to decrease. 

A service level agreement is the foundation of good working relationships. It should be concise and easy to understand. Avoid using complex language. Keep your objectives, expectations, and remedies as simple as possible. When written clearly, it sets the stage for success and builds the foundation for a long-term relationship. A poorly written contract can be detrimental to both sides. 

A good SLA clearly outlines the business aim of the service provider and the expected level of customer satisfaction. It also outlines the service deliverables, monitoring procedures, and penalties. Service level agreements can be public or internal. The latter is the most common type. And while they are not mandatory, they can help establish mutually beneficial relationships in the long run. If your business doesn't have an SLA, it could face penalties and other negative consequences.

A service level agreement can benefit you as a client. It ensures that you are both on the same page and can measure progress toward your desired service quality. It also helps you reduce the risk of disappointing a client or a partner. 

Key Performance Indicators

SLA Management means ensuring a service provider meets its contractual obligations. Service level agreement metrics serve as communication tools, facilitating transparent discussions. SLAs' performances are based on various performance metrics, including response time, the total cost of ownership, and customer satisfaction. Some SLAs are time-sensitive, and the faster a provider can respond to incidents, the better. For example, if a service provider cannot maintain a server's pre-defined uptime, it could be a sign that the provider is not up to par.

When choosing SLA metrics, keep in mind that they need to be measurable and should be helpful for fine-tuning service delivery. Ensure that they are not vanity metrics that only serve to collect data without a meaningful meaning. It's better to monitor and report these metrics than rely on them for managerial purposes. And remember that KPIs are not vanity metrics - they should give you insight into the business's actual performance.

Another way to improve the quality of service is to use customer feedback. This way, you can gauge what is working and what needs improvement. You can also use this information to identify new SLAs based on customer feedback. Make sure you don't add too many "special" SLAs if the customer feedback is negative. Instead, add those services that improve customer satisfaction and add value to the customer experience. It's essential to make sure the SLAs are clear and easy to understand and it's easier to follow and update them.

A service level agreement also helps organizations avoid legal issues. If a service provider doesn't meet its obligations, the client may consider this a breach of contract. Nevertheless, if the organization complies with the agreement, it may not be penalized. And if it fails to meet its obligations, KPIs can help prevent a breach of contract. If a service provider exceeds the SLA, the company can earn rewards or pay-outs for the extra effort.

Customer Expectations

Consider the SLAs for your business's most important assets to manage customer expectations. Downtime, for example, is an issue that negatively affects customers and businesses. Setting a standard for customer service will not only provide customers with confidence but also give your business a goal to strive forward. In addition, delivering on your SLAs will keep your business's flame burning and attract new customers. Managing SLAs is one of the biggest challenges businesses face. But it is critical to stay on top of your SLAs. Here are some ways to manage them effectively. 

SLAs help your business set and manage customer expectations. For example, using an SLA, you can track an agent's time to respond to a customer message. SLAs are useful for messaging channels since customers expect quick responses and timely assistance on the go. A well-defined SLA will help you manage your customers' expectations while maximizing business efficiency. 

Setting up SLAs is a critical part of service management. SLAs help you define your goals and keep your teams focused on the essential issues. The right SLA will also manage user expectations and create profitable business relationships. But SLAs are only one aspect of service management. To fully understand the benefits of SLAs for your business, you need to understand the basics of service management. 

Measurement of Service Levels

Service level measurement is a vital part of improving customer service. It helps all parties understand the service's quality and is an integral part of a service-level agreement. In addition, it supports all parties in achieving their goals by providing clear expectations and defining remedies when they are not met. This article discusses the benefits of service level measurement. Here are some examples:

Uptime in a data center costs a business more than $9,000 per minute. As a result, downtime in a data center can cost a company nearly $9,000 per minute. While most vendors will reimburse credits for underserved SLA metrics, it is important to understand that setting the bar too low may be counterproductive. This can lead to a lack of a future strategic roadmap for improving service levels.

A service level can be compounded, so multiple conditions exist for it to pass. A compound service level consists of multiple conditions that must all be met for a supplier to give it. This reduces the number of service levels a supplier must meet. However, it can capture the desired behavior of a service category. Suppliers should be careful not to create service levels with multiple conditions because the chances of achieving them decrease with each subsequent state.

Service level definitions vary, but they all refer to the performance of an IT system. These levels give a percentage of the target goal. For example, a fill rate represents the percentage of calls answered. Similarly, a customer wait time percentage represents the percentage of customers who do not experience a stock out. Both are essential components of service level planning. You can measure service levels for your business by setting agreed-upon metrics.

Challenges of SLA Management

Managing service-level agreements can be challenging. Not only do they make it difficult to communicate with your customers, but they can also confuse them with contracts. For example, some SLAs are so long that customers can't understand what they are signing. Not only that, but your IT staff may not keep up with the document. The last thing you want is to lose customers because they cannot understand what you're trying to say.

Before defining your SLA, ensure you understand the service users' expectations. Ask them what they expect from the service and develop a list of the services they need. Next, figure out each service's price and operation hours for each. Next, decide how you will communicate with the users. Then, make sure you have clear guidelines on how to reach customers. And do not forget to clarify your company's standards and goals to avoid misalignment.

SLAs should specify who handles specific goals and how they communicate with each other. Often, one employee might use the service and report on performance every week. Another person might deliver the promised service to customers, but the service provider may not handle the change in expectations. 


To measure quality and consistency, you should have measurable metrics. These can be monthly, quarterly, and even daily. To see how well your service provider performs, you should create KPIs and use them to monitor performance. With Service Level Management in place, not only the roles and responsibilities are specified clearly, but also they facilitate the overall communication with ease and clarity. There must be documentation of all activities related to service level management and must be updated regularly. Meet service level agreements effortlessly with our IT SLA management system, reducing downtime and improving customer satisfaction.